Monday, February 7, 2011

Graduation day

Well after 8 weeks of great Army training we were almost ready to unleashed on the world.  Basic training changes you.  Not in the way that many expect.  You learn that some people you can trust, others you can not.  The one guy that loaned you some shoe polish when he was running low was someone that was hard to say good bye to.  But the Son of a Bitch that pimped you out over having a package of crackers, good byes can not come quick enough.   Hard times bring out the best and worse in people.  You never forget the little things people did to help you make it.  Maybe it is a flaw of my character but I dont forget the others either.    Basic training graduation was not a big deal like it is now.  We had a formation and every got their orders.  Some stayed on the same post for AIT (Advanced Individual training)  I was the only Agency guy so I might have went home for a couple days before going to fort Devans but I can not remember.  I liked that part of the ASA in that I always traveled alone.  But I did not even have my clearance yet.  that I found out could be a real deal breaker.

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