Monday, February 7, 2011

Begining of the end of school

did not understand the class and was bored to tears. I was screwed.  3 and 1/2 years of this?  No  Not no but hell no.  I was a piss poor student and my grades showed it.  To add to the mess most of us got orders to go to Vietnam.  I did not care because in 1964 i did not know  jack  s... about it.. So I went and got all my teeth fixed up(bad news they did a 1/2 ass job) and a jillion shots .  The night before the final test we went down town and had a big going away party.  I really got drunk.  I was wrecked when I went to take the test. Needless to say I Failed the final test.  Oh Hell Everyone frequed out.  They thought I did it because I did not want to go to VietnamTo late.  I was jammed.  I got new orders to go FORT HOOD TEXAS  Damn and double Damn.

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