Thursday, March 3, 2011

Enlisted Mens Club

The EM club on a Army base is or was a pretty good place.  The EM club at Chitose  was nothing special.  It was just a Quonset hut with a Juke Box a Bar and some slot machines.  Slot Machine?  Yep They were pretty common in the Far East Army bases.  Even though we used MPC for paper money we still used U. S coins.  They paid off a little bit, nothing special,  I would drop a couple of coins in every now and then.    I heard they took them out later of after I left.  Somebody's Moma got mad because her son lost his pay on the machines.  Pretty funny, you can go get shot but dont piss your money away.  There were worse things you could spend your money on.  It was better to drink in your room(highly against the rules)  but if you stayed quiet they did not say much and if you tipped the house boy, he would make sure all the cans and stuff were cleaned up.  No aluminum can back them  Good old steel cans w/no pull tops.  You had to have a Can opener to get the bad boys open.   The opener was referred to as a Church key.  No twist off bottle tops either.  There were all kinds if ingenious ways of getting bottles open but can were almost impossible to open unless you had a opner or a good knife. Not a good idea to be opening beer can with a knife after you have drank as case or so.  Drinking in Chitose was legendary  The entire post really went though some beer and whiskey.   Work was very stressful  so I guess it may have been away to cope.  But I really dont know.  I really enjoyed drinking.  I was damn good at it.

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